Christmas Miniatures:
These are all little scenes in the little book shaped gift card gift boxes like the one I made my little Christmas kitchen in.The first two were in this box:
One is a fireplace scene:
and the other a library:
The next two are in this box:
One is another fireplace scene:
And this one isn't finished yet, but it's one I'm doing for myself so I'll finish it up some time in the next week or so, it'll be decorated for Christmas when it's done:
Oh! and I almost forgot this one that just has a tree in it.... this one is also one I made for myself and I am still kind of debating whether I want to put anything on the walls next to the tree or tiny wrapped presents under the tree, but really it doesn't need anything else so we'll see. Oh, and it's inside the "We wish you a merry Christmas" box:
The interesting side project:
So, my husband is really into RC cars (remote control cars) and really wanted a "Scale" garage for his cars (they are 1/10 scale), so guess what he got for Christmas...... this thing is massive (4ft x2ft and 2ft tall...) so IDK where he thinks he's going to put it, but I guess we'll figure that out at some point lol. In the meantime, it's a kit so he gets to put it together and decorate it however he wants, which I will be helping him with. He's been all aflutter with activity since he got it trying to figure out how he wants everything to look and everything, and along with helping him decorate the big garage, I have started another little project for it......Last year for Christmas I got him two little 1/100 scale RC cars..... in other words RC cars for his RC cars so now I am making him a 1/100 scale garage for his little RC cars.... or as he puts it a scale garage for his scale garage. I haven't gotten very far yet because obviously I can't do stuff in the little one until he makes decisions on the big one, but as you can see I've started on the basic structure, and I was going to use my Cricut to cut the rafters out of metallic cardstock to match the rafters in his 1/10 scale garage today, but I can't find half of the power cord.... so that will have to wait until maybe tomorrow night (we have no plans of doing anything for New Years Eve other than staying home and relaxing so that'll work out fine lol). So looking into the new year I plan to get Whimsy Street finished, but don't be surprised if you see updates on both the 1/10 and 1/100 scales garages. lol
Happy New Year!!