Monday, May 16, 2016

{Attic Roombox} An Itty Bitty dollhouse and using up some leftovers...

Okay........ So.......... once again I should have been getting some housework done today, but as I started clearing off the table I had in the living room with everything I had been working on, on Flutterby Bakery and the beginnings of the Attic Roombox, I just couldn't help myself, and rather than continuing my straightening up I started working on a piece for the Attic. An itty bitty {aprox.} 1:576 scale dollhouse.  This was one of the items I really wanted to make to put in the Attic along with all my broken and surplus lovelies.  But also I was a little unsure, because it is really small.  I didn't really do a whole lot of planning on this.... I had a general idea of how wide I wanted to make the house and it's style and then just kind of eyeballed everything from there.

I started with the basic structure... which went a lot smoother than I expected it to with having the bay on the front and all. LOL

I also put a floor dividing the two stories inside the house. At this point it was mainly just to square up and strengthen the walls, but I'm considering going ahead and putting another floor in to separate the 2 story and attic and a couple walls and paint and/or wallpaper the rooms, but I'll only do all that if I put it in the Attic positioned so that you can see the back of it either through one of the windows or reflected in a mirror or something.

Next came a base/floor for the house and wrap around porch.  Before I could attach the wrap around piece to make the ceiling of the first floor porch and floor of the second floor balcony I needed to paint the house.  In keeping with the goal of having this project use materials I already have, I decided to paint it the yellow that I'm using on the doors of the Backyard Art Studio.

At this point I really got into it and kind of forgot to take in progress pictures, but I painted windows on the bay and doors and windows on the flat part of the house front and glued on the wrap around piece for the top portion of the porch/balcony

Then came time to do the roof (which again I forgot to take pics of until it was completed) I opted for a mansard roof, with the bay having it's own turret roof.  I made roofs out of little scraps of Bristol paper I had laying around.  The main roof went pretty quickly and easily, the turret roof was a little bit more tricky, mainly because of how tiny the pieces were, but it could have been worse, I'm sure. Haha.  Once I had it all glued together and glued onto the house I painted it gray to mimic slate.

It's really starting to look like a dollhouse! to finish it off I put some posts in the corners of the porch and made a railing for the second story balcony.  Now let me tell you.... this balcony railing was tiny.  And I really almost didn't even try to make a railing for it, but it actually ended up being easier to do than I expected.  I just cut it from the came scrap of Bristol that I used for the roof using a craft knife.

And then glued it on around the edge, and Voila! the dollhouse is finished. (at least until I decide whether or not to do anything with the inside)

I have to say, I'm quite proud of myself for this one!

And then because there was still a little time left of the day before I had to go pick my husband up from work, and I knew the day was a bust for housework, I went ahead and got started on the chimney for the Attic, using up leftover bricks from when I made the steps for the Teapot Tea Room.

I got the part for inside the Attic done....

And got started on the part on the outside of the structure.

So, maybe tomorrow I'll actually get some housework done...............

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