Friday, July 22, 2016

{Backyard Art Studio}&{Flutterby Bakery) updates

{Flutterby Bakery}
    After my string of little projects recently (haha... I just realized... string.... they were bunting... on strings..... okay moving on....) I'm kinda at a standstill again for the bakery.  I did just order some more molds and supplies to make the rest of the baked goods to stock the display cases so when those get here I need to get those made and the cases stocked before I can move on to putting the structure together.  The other project I still need to finish for it before the structure goes together is the tables and chairs for the bakery, oh! and I need to get a work table together for the view of the kitchen through the door (and I suppose I should do something with the walls back there too lol) - I keep forgetting about that part for some reason lol, so I suppose I do have some more stuff I could work on while I'm waiting to finish off the baked goods..... I'm dying to get it finished and put it all together and decorate the outside to look like a cake!!!! . I'm also still on the lookout for a cake stand to put it on and am having trouble finding one in the right size and especially that isn't white.  I bought one that could maybe work, but it is white and I really don't want white because I think I'm going to have the "icing" on the outside of the cake white.  If I don't use the one I bought for this it's okay though because I would totally use it for real cakes.  I also saw a cute candle stand at Hobby Lobby that if I were to glue a round board to the top would work well, and since it's not a real cake it doesn't really have to be a food safe cake plate or anything lol. I'm dying to get it all finished it's getting so close to being done, it's going to be so cute (if I do say so myself lol). Also I want to give myself permission to start another project and not have too many going at one time.

and speaking of multiple projects going on at one time.....

{Backyard Art Studio}
    I really haven't worked on this one hardly any in a long time.  There's really not much left to do before I can put the structure together.  I still need to get 2 more windows for skylights and one more sheet of brick for the exterior.  I'm planning my next step to be painting the bricks, but honestly I've been kind of putting that off because I'm too picky about exactly how they look so it's a little bit stressful for me (lol) I did the first sheet while I was watching a movie so that's my plan for the other two walls worth..... perhaps I'll watch the 10th Kingdom again lol, that'll give me plenty of time to get it exactly how I want it to work. (I am hoping that I haven't waited so long since doing the first one that I forgot exactly what I did..... but I think I wrote the color formulas I used down so that would be the biggest deal lol).  Since it's an art studio there's not a lot of furniture for it, but there's a lot of little accessories and art work and stuff to make and I want to do flowers for the outside around the porch and a porch swing with a little sketchbook and some pencils and stuff sitting on it like someone just walked away from it.  I'm really planning on putting a lot of detail and effort into it since I'm doing it for a contest. Also since it's for a contest, I have to have it done by a specific date so I better get my butt back in gear on it (don't worry though the entry deadline is December 16 - or something near then - so I've got plenty of time still, but I would like to have it done well before then.)

And I promise..... next post will be something with PICTURES!! lol :)

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