Sunday, November 5, 2017

{Gallery B} FINISHED!!! : Part 2

As promised here is part two of the pictures of the finished Gallery B.  I guess there's not really a whole lot that needs to be said before I get into the pictures themselves, that I didn't say on yesterday's post (which you can find right here if you missed it), so, on with the show......
Starting to test out layout on the walls in these next few pictures.... and also I realized that I'm not sure all of these teeny tiny paintings where in any of the pictures of the art from yesterday's post, but, as I'm sure your could guess, they are acrylics on canvas,  they are .125" x .25" and .125" x .125", in other words, super, super tiny haha

testing layout

testing layout

testing layout

testing layout

testing layout

this picture I went ahead and included here because I think it may give a better look at the modern wave and seagulls piece than any of the others did yesterday, the piece is ink on bristol and the frame is made from the same plastic u-beams that the baseboards are made from

a little bit washed out, but this is looking into the gallery from the front before I attached the store front frame

again from the front before the frame was attached

an one more from the front to see the other side of the gallery

kinda dark (it's looking like I need to get some better pictures of this project lol), but looking in from the back with the frame on the front

and looking from the back at one side....

...and then the other side of the gallery

closer ups of the walls with all the art attached (Which will be pretty much the same as the pictures at the beginning of the post, just with the art permanently installed now lol)

closer up view of the finalized walls with their art

closer up view of the finalized walls with their art

closer up view of the finalized walls with their art

closer up view of the finalized walls with their art

closer up view of the finalized walls with their art

the front of the gallery with the frame store front attached

I think this angle shows off the interior a little better though
sitting next to Willow:Florist and Garden Shop (from the front)
and sitting next to Willow: Florist and Garden Shop (from the back)
So as I'm looking at these pictures as I'm posting them I'm realizing that a lot of them have REALLY bad lighting, so I guess sometime in the near future I need to take some better ones, but these will have to do for now lol.  Also I didn't get any yet apparently of the brick on the outside side walls, but I will post pictures of that when I get the stairs for the front door done :).

The next two shops on the street I will be working on will be the toy store and the book store (neither of which have names yet), but since I have the toy store's building and a lot of it's merchandise I'm probably going to mainly focus on that one.  I know there's no way I will be able to get them both done in time for the miniatures show at my work that starts at the beginning of December, but I'm hoping I can MAYBE get at least the toy store done if I really focus on it, but we'll see......  As things stands right now I don't really expect to be doing a lot of work on any of them in the next couple weeks, but maybe if I can get some of the other stuff that HAS to get done on that time frame done I can work on the toy store at least a little, I guess we'll have to wait and see.  And just in case I don't get a chance to post anything else before Thanksgiving.... Happy Thanksgiving! ;)

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