Saturday, December 31, 2016

Almost a New Year Already......

Well, this month has really flown by, I had grand plans of doing an entire Christmas tree this year with all miniatures as ornaments, tiny dollhouses, scenes in ornaments, etc., etc., and of posting all of the projects on here as tutorials, but, as you can see that didn't end up happening.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised about that, I always have grand plans for December and it always ends up being such a jam-packed month of activities and such that most of them don't end up getting done, unless I manage to do them before December (well actually probably before October really, its all busy from that point on lol), or after the new year.  Which I may possibly do in this case, but I make no promises as this January is turning out to be kind of a busy month too this year.

But for today I don't have anything really going on (well except for lots of dishes that need to get done lol) until this evening, so I'm taking the opportunity to kind of recap on this past year and plan for next, as far as miniature projects go......

So as far as recapping 2016 goes:  I really only ended up getting two projects that I had planned for this year completed - my "Backyard Art Studio" 1:12 scale dollhouse that I made for the "Creatin' Contest", and "Flutterby Bakery" a 1:48 scale bakery in a cake.  There are multiple posts about each as I worked on them so I wont put links here for any specific ones about them, but if you go back through my older posts, they are titled so that you know which projects are featured in which.  I had also gotten started on the planning and starting to collect materials for a 1:48 scale beach cottage called "Mermaid Cove Cottage" and then I have my little 1:48 scale attic roombox, which is an ongoing project to use leftover and broken materials from other projects.  I had plans/hopes for a few other projects that i didn't even really get to beyond vague early planning, and I also have my big 1:12 scale project that I have mostly planned and started getting stuff for, (but haven't actually started physically working on it yet) the townhouse I am doing in a vintage dresser.

So having said all that, on to my plans for next year:
- For one I of course want to continue work on Mermaid Cove Cottage, hopefully to actually get it finished within this year. Since all of the planning for the most part is done and I already have some of the materials and furniture for it and most of the rest of it that I don't already have I have sourced, it's just a matter of actually purchasing it, I'm hoping that while it will be one of my "main" projects this year that it will be relatively easily and quickly completed, at least compared to my other "Main/Big" project I have planned for this year......
- My second big/main project is going to be a 1:48 scale street of shops, but rather than being in normal store fronts their buildings will be related to the type of shop that it is.... for example I will have a book store in a book and a toy shop in a toy chest.... other than those two I haven't decided for sure what the other shops will be.  I want to have probably 4 or 5 of them and I want them to sit up against each other like a downtown street in a city, so that somewhat limits the shapes of the buildings, ideally they will all have at least semi straight-ish sides and such.  Apparently I have a thing for doing themed shaped structures (a tea room in a tea pot, a bakery in a cake), but I think these will be a little different being all together on a "street" and being a variety of different kinds of shops.  I'm particularly looking forward too (and at the same time dreading lol) making all sorts of teeny tiny toys for the toy shop.
- as well as those two main projects I'm hoping to be able to get some of the other projects that were on my "hopefully to-do" list last year.  Two that I definitely want to try to get done and I think probably can as long as I plan ahead a little are two more little bakeries.  When I was trying to settle on a name for the "Flutterby Bakery" I asked my friends on Facebook for suggestions and while i actually ended up going with my original idea, I really loved the suggestions everyone gave and so a couple of them are becoming their own projects (and the other names will be used somewhere in other projects).  A fairy bakery called "Buttercup Hollow Bakery" and a Halloween bakery called "Little Bakeshop of Horror" since I already have all the supplies for a bakery, I'm hoping these two should be relatively quick little side projects.
- I also want to do a couple of seasonal/holiday projects.... for example a little Easter scene in an "Easter egg" and I have a dollhouse that I want to decorate as Santa and Mrs. Claus's house, but we see how well I get holiday projects done, lol, if I want to get them done I'll definitely have to do them, not near the holiday they are for haha.
- and of course I'm hoping to get started on the physical work on the townhouse dresser

I'm also tentatively planning on starting my design/stationary/art/crafts business on ETSY, that I've been thinking about for a couple years now, so that will take up a fair amount of time as well so I'll have to really plan out stuff ahead of time and schedule work time for different projects, if I want to have time to get miniatures projects done.  Having said that though, if I do "open" the "shop" this year I might have a section for miniature items for sale, so keep an eye out for info about that.

Well, I'll be going into more detail about these projects as I get into them individually, but for now I think this is probably a long enough post, for one without pictures ;).  So for now I'll just say I hope everyone had a great  Christmas (or any other holiday you were celebrating this month) and a happy New Year!

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