Monday, March 7, 2016

Adding to my project list.......

You know, because I don't already have enough dollhouse/miniatures projects that I want to do this year, this morning as I was checking Pinterest I had an inspiration for another one.....

I have a board on Pinterest called "if I ever have a beach house/cottage". I don't foresee it being highly likely, at least not anytime in the foreseeable future, but I've always wanted a small beach house or cottage and a small cottage/cabin in the mountains somewhere, and I've come across a few things on Pinterest that I loved so I made a board (even though I don't expect to ever be able to use it lol).

        Follow Joanna's board if I ever have a beach house/cottage on Pinterest.

This morning I happened across a bathroom done with a "fish-scale" {or Mermaid-scale} tile, and I loved it so much that I searched for some more examples of it and pinned some of my favorites.  I also loved it so much that I really didn't want to possibly never use it so I thought.... "well duh, why don't I do a dollhouse of my dream beach cottage!?"

So..... now that's added to my project list.  I'm not 100% sure what scale I want to do it in..... 1:12 would be the easiest of course and I could get the most pre-made stuff for it, but I really don't have room for a whole bunch of 1:12 stuff (although this would be a relatively small one), and I really love the tiny scales - even if they are a lot more work to do.  So, right now, I'm thinking I'm going to do it as a 1:48 scale little house...... Maybe even as small as 1:144, but I think that might be a little too small to really appreciate the scale tile and stuff, so probably 1:48.   Now I just have to look for a cottage house kit I like for it, or for a design that I like in real life that I can build in a small scale.

I'm still planning on working on my Backyard Art Studio as my main project for now and I really want to get started on the 1:48 bakery and the 1:48 attic room box since I already have some of the stuff for them. 

Today I'm not feeling real great so I've planned on it being basically a netflix kinda day, but I did get the grout for the front patio of the Art Studio and have been working on that, so I'll post some pictures of that process in their own post :)

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