Tuesday, March 15, 2016

{Mermaid Cove Cottage} A quick and lucky decor find.......

Well I still haven't done actual "blueprints" for the Mermaid Cove cottage, but I have a pretty good idea of how I want it to be... and I think I've figured out one of the issues I was going to have by how I'm going to do the stairs.... rather than a traditional stair case situation I'm going to do a semi-walled in winder staircase (where the bottom few steps are winders).  I think this will not only not take up much room in the house, but will give me a place to have a little entrance/mudroom/coat hooks and benches area, and I think I can kind of use the wall from this to define the kitchen area some.... it's hard to explain so I won't try until I get it drawn up, but just so you know that's kind of where I am.

And of course I've started planning out decorations and interior design and one thing that I've been trying to find something for is that I know I want a sisal/sea grass rug in either the living room or dining room (or possibly both but right now I'm leaning more towards just the living room) I found a life size rug that I love (in fact I'd like to have it for myself in real life) and I was thinking about maybe stitching the design on it on a fine count cross stitch linen or evenweave cloth, but I wasn't sure if that was really going to work and/or if it was going to drive me crazy trying to do it on this tiny a scale.  Well tonight while I was at Walmart I decided to look and see if they had any material or fabric that I could use to make it and happened to look in the Home Decor section and found this fabric
When I looked at it closely I realized that it looked like a printed tiny scale sisal.  The design on it is a little less fancy than the life size one I like, but it will totally work
And the best part is that .125 yards (an 1/8 of a yard) was only $.50! Score! lol.  once I have the floor plan figured out and more of the furniture prepped and know what size I want the rug to be I'll cut the fabric to size and probably run a bit of white glue or fray check along the edge (or maybe fold it under, but I think that might make it too thick... although maybe not if I glue it down good... I just kind of tried it with my fingers as I'm sitting here typing and it seemed flatter than I expected), and run a thin line of paint along the edge to mimic the binding you typically see on this type of rug..... I could sew (well okay probably glue) a narrow piece of thin fabric as a binding around the edges, but IDK if I want to go through the frustration I'm sure that would bring, especially since I'll be doing a lot of teeny tiny detail work making baked goods for the quarter scale bakery and probably be working on the two projects simultaneously......

They also had a couple different solid colors in the same weave that I might use in like the bedroom or something, but I haven't really gotten that far yet.  I was just really excited about this one and had to go ahead and get it!

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