Sunday, March 13, 2016

{Mermaid Cove Cottage}&{Bakery in a Cake} just a couple little projects getting started

{Mermaid Cove Cottage}

Even though I haven't figured out the structure and layout and such yet for Mermaid Cove Cottage, I did get started on the vanity and sick for the bathroom, because I had stuff for it and I was really excited about it.  I did a little measuring and the little dresser/sideboard I wanted to use was just a smidge shorter then I really wanted it to be for this kind of sink (although it was about the height of the sink in one of our bathrooms so it would have been completely fine.) So I painted both it and another 1:48 scale dresser that I have that was slightly taller but that I didn't really like as much for this project, planning to just fix both of the up and when I was actually putting the room together try both of them and see which one I liked better.  But I really wanted the fancier one so I had an idea..... I glued little tiny seed beads to the bottom of each leg and then coated it with another coat of the spray paint (FYI the Walmart brand matte gray primer worked perfectly for this.... normally I'm not a fan of the Walmart brand spray paints because they are so thin and take forever to cover and I am impatient, but for this it was perfect because it didn't fill in/cover the details.  And it was more the color gray I wanted than the rustoleum primer I would have normally chosen instead).  It turned out looking really good and added just the perfect amount of height, so I think this sideboard should work (it's a little on the shallow side too, but I think that'll be okay) I haven't attached the bowl yet and I need to get a faucet for it, but I did set it on it and take a picture
I accidentally rubbed off a little of the paint on one of the seed beads I added to the legs, but I don't think you can really see that in this picture.  It is sitting on top of my sewing machine just to give an idea of the scale/size
The bowl itself actually had a bit of modification as well.  It started out with a huge bottom part that really just looked weird.
This is actually not even as big as it was at first, but I didn't think to take a picture until I had already worked on it some
I sanded it down until it was more of a normal sized bowl base.  I got it a little uneven (which might have been less likely to happen if I'd had flat sandpaper instead of rolled sandpaper to use on it lol) but I can fix that when I glue it down.

{Bakery in a Cake}

the second Project I worked on today was my bakery in a cake that I have talked about a couple times before.  I've had the CD case to use for it for months now but just hadn't gotten around to starting it and I wasn't sure how I was going to cut the pole out of the center, so this morning after I worked on the sink and vanity for Mermaid Cove Cottage I decided to get this one going too.  I had my husband cut the pole out for me because I didn't really fee like dealing with it (lol), and then I cut the lid myself.  I just used a craft/x-acto knife and then sounded the edges a bit.  Just be super careful doing this sort of thing with a craft knife...... I managed to do it this time without any major injury, but I have cut myself pretty badly in the past........
The very start of my Bakery in a Cake
The outside of the case will be decorated to look like a cake and then the bakery will be inside.  My next step will be figuring out the floor and walls and such..... it should be super cute when done :)

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